for Purpose & Performance-Driven Entrepreneurs, Leaders & Executives
I'm so excited you're interested in my Elite High-Performance Coaching Programs.
It tells me you're invested in your professional and business success and personal growth.
I know the significance of this for your future success because your personal growth drives business growth - without exception.
My proprietary coaching model and programs offer you the opportunity to follow in the footsteps of the most successful people I’ve coached:
Fortune 500 Executives, Inc. 5000 CEOs, CFOs, Law Firm Partners, Olympic and National Athletes, Golf Pros, NFL Coach,
NASA Scientist, High-Ranking Military Official, 7-Fgure Entrepreneurs, Hollywood Entertainer, Doctors, Published Authors...
I bring unparalleled experience and expertise to my clients, including:
Over 20 years and 25,000 hours personally coaching over 1,000 clients. And Counting.
Leading over 134,000 high-performance coaching sessions, gaining real-world insights into why
success remains elusive for so many people and how to overcome these obstacles.
I have unwavering confidence in the life-changing impact of my Elite High-Performance Coaching Programs.
I have absolute certainty in my ability to guide you to a seemingly impossible level and quality of success.
If you're ready to achieve what you've never had, this is the coaching you've been waiting for!
"My experience being coached by Lauren was nothing short of incredible. Her ability to cut through any story I had that was holding me back and then empower me to take meaningful and effective action was life-changing. She didn't just help me change the direction of my life but was able to do so in a tactful and supportive manner that always kept me coming back for more!
The ability to be clear, concise, direct, yet gentle when needed is an impressive skill set that Lauren demonstrates effortlessly."
Eamon Campbell, Founder, BCBA, CHPC
"Everyone needs a coach. We all need people that give us feedback. That’s
how we improve." ~ Bill Gates, coached by Silicon Valley coach Bill Campbell.
I already know you're an A-player. So am I, and like attracts like.
Your success is undeniable.
Most would say you have it all figured out.
But that's not how it feels.
And you're not sure why.
You're doing what you've always done, but everything feels like a struggle.
It feels this way because the world has changed; life has changed.
More expectations, pressure, uncertainty, and unexpected curve balls.
New and advanced technologies that are hard to keep up with.
Not to mention the uncertainty of the world we live in.
It's all starting to stack up.
And you're doing what you've always done - that's the problem!
You're trying to "fix" and navigate new problems with an outdated 'iOS'.
What got you to this level of success will not get you to the next level.
This is why you're feeling stuck and frustrated despite your current success.
Something has to change!
You need a new Internal Operating System!
I know it's not what you want to hear. Updating an iOS can be overwhelming. There're so many concerns—unpredictable and unknown repercussions, inevitable glitches, new features, frustrating nuances...
But this is your gateway to recalibrating your life and living it on your terms without regret.
That's why you also need a coach—an expert to guide you in optimizing your new iOS. I am that expert!
I'll lead you through this process and help you...
update your entire iOS
find the anomalies that need to be deleted
select the most effective new APPs to install
master how to use what is new effectively
troubleshoot any issues along the way
stay updated and current in relation to your life
Without old programs holding you back, you'll be inspired and equipped to...
rewrite your end-game, priorities, and definition of meaningful success
set your navigation system on your terms
foresee and manage inevitable challenges better and faster
gain new perspectives to inform new solutions
accelerate your momentum with improved business practices
demonstrate more influence and deepen relationships with new communication strategies
enjoy a greater quality because when you update your iOS, all connected "devices" in your life are impacted​​​
You deserve to live your life experiencing the best of you.
If you could have changed your 'iOS yourself, you would have.
Something has held you back, but you can choose differently today.
It's time to make your move!
Take this opportunity if you're seeking something more from your life and are...
an entrepreneur building a small service-based business
a coach wanting world-class skills and a thriving practice
an emerging leader or senior executive striving to have more impact
in transition and ready but uncertain about pursuing a new path in life
committed to repairing what has been compromised at too high a price in your life
If you're ready to change the quality of your life and those around you, complete an Application Form. More information is available here.
However, due to limited capacity, immediate enrollment into my programs is not guaranteed. If you're a good fit, based on availability, you'll either get started immediately or be placed on my waiting list. Once on my waiting list, you'll be ensured that you can enroll and begin your Elite High-Performance Coaching Program as soon as availability opens up.​
If you're still hesitating for whatever reason - there will never be a convenient or easier time to change your life, but there is a right time! It's NOW!
Explore my Elite High-Performance Coaching Programs options below, decide which will best support you, and Apply to work with me now.
Your only regret will be not starting this journey sooner.